Dreams – A reality which doesn’t exist in the world apart from in our mind, and where one doesn’t have control on it. It’s a “chemical locha” in our minds when we are fast asleep.
Till date I experienced quite a number of times different kinds of dreams where I encountered horrifying, scary, sweet, lovely, exciting and some times even “W..” dreams(LOL…); however whenever I wake up I hardly remember the entire dream or sometimes don’t even remember what was the dream all about…
However, have you ever thought of creating your own dream, going where you have never been before, meeting new people, checking out new destinations? Just at the thought of it, I was very excited and now “Fosters” gave me a chance to go ahead and make it a reality by watching INCEPTION on the first day itself!
It was Fosters Friday at Inox for me with INCEPTION movie. I walked over to Inox security check to get a clearance to watch the movie and I find few guys waiting in Fosters T Shirts. I walked over to them and they asked me if I have the “F”un row tickets and I showed them the same, and there started my Fosters Fun Experience. They escorted me to the Auditorium to my seats with a small break at Fosters Corner, where you get a “F”antastic “F”oot massage courtesy Fosters and only for “F”un row customers. Overall an awesome experience and it is truly “F”osters; where “F” is Fanstatic Friday with Fabulous Fun.
‘Inception’ is a movie about a bunch of super-brainy thieves who steal ideas from people by invading their subconscious. To do that they must firstly inject a powerful sedative into their systems and then hook them into a slick-sophisticated machine, that pretty much fits inside a small briefcase! Then you enter into someone else’s subconscious with an in-depth access to their dreams, their thoughts, their ideas and all other kind of signals that one’s central nervous system manages to trigger.
But that ain’t the best part; the real deal is what they’re capable of, once they’re inside.
Survival in the brutal market is all about killing out your competitors. You don’t need to spend billions to hire one of the best teams to beat out your competitors - when you have a team of super-brain thieves lead by Leonard Di Caprio to break inside the competitors’ mind right at that time when its very weak with emotional strain. It will just do your work of wiping out your competition!

This team doesn’t just stop at one dream but would go to any extent to achieve what they have decided to reach at in the first place. It’s a brilliant movie to watch, “Fosters” sponsoring the same for me. It just moved from brilliant to an incredible movie experience. Felt like a VIP sitting in “F” row that was especially for Fosters sponsored viewers and to top it all, my sister from Australia was visiting me. It was truly an Australian experience with “Fosters”, “Inox” and “Inception”.
I didn't like the movie that much :)...3/5 I would say..The Dark Knight was much better.